by Daniel | Jul 25, 2018 | Archive
“You, the guy with the yellow tie, come on up here.” Those words would change the rest of my life, but as an 11 year old attending a church sponsored youth rally in Marion, NC, I didn’t know it then. Actually, I didn’t realize until four years later when I would...
by Daniel | Oct 14, 2015 | Archive
“We’ve been playing with Mary since 2007. I’ve never been more certain that great change was coming for her in her life, and those changes will have a huge impact on the band.” Daniel Warren Hill, vocalist for Yellowtieguy comments on Mary...
by Daniel | Sep 26, 2013 | Archive
By now, some of you know the real story behind how the name Yellow Tie Guy came to be. For the rest of you, you’ll just have to ask us at a show sometime. It was suggested by our fans that we tell a different story behind the yellow tie every time someone asks...