by Daniel | Feb 1, 2019 | Archive
Greetings friends! It’s been a while since our last update. We spend the last half of 2018 perofrming for APCA college showcases trying to get bookings in the mid-west. We made some new friends, and then we settled down over the winter holidays before getting...
by Daniel | Jul 25, 2018 | Archive
“You, the guy with the yellow tie, come on up here.” Those words would change the rest of my life, but as an 11 year old attending a church sponsored youth rally in Marion, NC, I didn’t know it then. Actually, I didn’t realize until four years later when I would...
by Daniel | Jul 22, 2014 | Archive
Howdy folks, We’ve been pretty busy with recording our next album, touring, and increasing the number of yellow ties in our tie rack. We’ve been long overdue to leave some official message of what’s been going on, and we’re sorry it’s...
by Daniel | Nov 26, 2013 | Archive
Hey Everyone! Daniel Warren Hill here. You might remember me from such bands as Yellowtieguy… Anyways, I just wanted to send a Happy Thanksgiving to all of our wonderful friends, fans, and family out there. We wouldn’t be able to rock without you!...